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The Deadline for Submitting the EU's First Quarter Carbon Emissions Report is Approaching Intertek support you to make the report in compliance with CBAM

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) regulation addresses carbon leakage from products, goods, derivatives and certain precursors imported into the European Union. The regulation aims to equalize the carbon cost of imported products with that of domestic products.

CBAM Act come into force on October 1, 2023, will be implemented in two phases – the transitional period, from October 31, 2023, and the permanent system, which enters into force on January 1, 2026.

Taxation period (2026 period)

  • carbon border taxing actually
  • Mandatory Verification requirements

The EU aims to reach ‘Net zero’ by 2050. Fit for 55 refers to a set of legislative proposals aimed at achieving emission reduction. The EU ETS and CBAM are part of the Fit for 55 policy package. CBAM forces importer to take responsibility for the carbon emissions of their products through the imposition of carbon border tax, with a view to contributing toglobal emissions reduction.

What hardline products need to meet CBAM requirements:

Product Group Potential Products CN Codes (possible, refer to the code
when importing the products)
Hard goods Aluminum/Iron/Steel ladder, metal cloths rack, etc 7616 99 10, 7326 19 90, 7616 99 90
Garden equipment Metal flower pot, flower pot holder, gardening spatula, hose connectors, etc 7326 90 98, 7616 99, 7326 90
Furniture Hammock stand, metal shelves/bracket, office chair metal parts, etc 7326 90 98, 7326 90, 7307 99
Kitchenware Steel plate, bowl, etc 7326 90, 7616 99 90

Nowadays, there are still lots of Chinese exporters to the EU market, who are requested to submit the Carbon Emissions Report to the Authorities, but know less about it and solution.

How to comprehensively understand the complex carbon emission data?
How to collect and record carbon data?
How to fill out carbon emission reports in compliance?
How to prevent missing the carbon emission data and what to do if it is missing? 
What carbon reduction plans do companies have?

Intertek can provide relevant training services, supply chain traceability, greenhouse gas emission data collection, verification, calculation, and reporting services according to CBAM regulatory requirements, to help China's carbon market align with international standards as soon.

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